About Us

Welcome to our website!

Cats have always been a part of our family.  From my earliest memories as a child, I remember spending countless hours playing with my tuxedo cat, Mingo.  He was gentle, sweet, feisty, smart, and above all, snuggly.  When he passed at the ripe old age of 21, the house felt empty and we knew that we needed to enrich our lives with another kitty cat.

Our household currently has 5 resident cats and one part-time kitty.  They are Tigger, a Maine Coon mix, Kamika, a white and black domestic medium hair, Milo & Dido, a Siamese mix brother/sister pair, and Ru, a petit Norwegian Forest cat mix.  Medusa, our weekend visitor, is my daughter's boyfriend's cat.  She is a beautiful short haired gray tabby.  

All of our cats are rescues with very unique personalities.  We are endlessly entertained by our crew of fur balls and they are the inspiration for this website. We wanted to offer a unique mix of items for cats and cat lovers alike.  Anything from toys to gifts and everything in between.

We hope you enjoy our website as much as we love making it.  Long live adorable felines!






Dido on piano



Milo in bowl

Milo (and his sister Dido peeking out from behind)

Ru in costume


Medusa in costume
